70 years of the Bountiful 9th Ward

Well, that was fun. And yet, we just scratched the surface. So much history to still be discovered. I am reminded of Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." I can't help but conclude that has been the case in the 9th Ward.

It has been fun to learn about those people who came before us who now live in this ward. They created something beautiful. I think it right to keep them in mind at this time and honor their service and contributions.

I love to think that there are over 31,000 Latter-day Saint congregations around the world. Like the Bountiful 9th Ward, each has its own, unique history. In each, people serve each other. There is sociality. There are challenges and triumphs. Families are the foundation of the Church, but wards are critical supports to the family. I hope our ward remains strong, drawing strength from our heritage. I hope our, and future generations, will see the good that comes from the loving relations found in wards. That we will continually get out of ourselves and push out to bring others into our lives. 

I hope that you enjoy the festivities tomorrow (or today, if you are reading this on Saturday). Thanks to all who are contributing to its success, be it putting together a poster, cooking a dessert, or spending hours and hours putting together videos (Bradley Johnson). The Mayers as committee chairs have kept this project moving forward and organized. They are wonderful examples of quiet service and dedication. If you see them, please thank them for their leadership. Finally, thank you Bishop Moore for your vision. I remember when you suggested that we should commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the formation of the ward. When you said that we should interview dozens of ward members, I thought it was a crazy idea. It overwhelmed me. But you did it and those interviews will be treasured for generations. So many in this ward have contributed to this anniversary, in both large and small ways. It has been heartwarming to experience.

The 75th anniversary or Diamond Jubilee is just 5 years away. Just sayin. But first, let's have a great time tomorrow night celebrating 70 years of this wonderful congregation.

Thanks for your kind words. God bless. Alan


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